Belmont Octarine Winter Hill: a Winter Wovenland exclusive release

  Belmont Octarine Winter Hill is one of two Firespiral wraps being released at our Winter Wovenland event. At the time of writing there are still a few standard tickets available for the event, being held on the 12th of November 2016 in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, if you fancy joining us?! This wrap was named […]

Fledgling Scheme for first time buyers: Updated

Fledgling Scheme for first time buyers: Updated

“Buy your first ever woven wrap and receive half of the purchase price back to spend on whatever you like in our shop!” The Fledgling scheme gives first time buyers 50% of the price of your first wrap back as gift card credit for you to spend in our shop, whenever and however you like. There […]

Nebra Octarine Starmap and our love for 100% cotton !

  Where does the Firespiral love of cotton come from?   When we first started out, Tamsin and I sat at my kitchen table one Sunday morning (with good coffee and danish pastries to make us feel more professional) and we made a list of the things that were close to our hearts that we wanted […]

Delph Aqua Charters Moss

This review of Delph Aqua Charters Moss was written for us by Erin, mum of three, babywearing peer supporter and avid wrapper. [pullquote align=center] It’s always exciting to be given a brand new wrap to try, and I was particularly pleased to take Delph Aqua Charters Moss home for a play as I have walked […]

Winter Wovenland: our festive wrap social and pop up shop!

Parties are always more fun when your friends are there, so we’ve teamed up with Baie Slings and Little Fellows to host our festive wrap social and spectacular pop-up marketplace! We are lucky to be able to work alongside such talented companies and build such good friendships at the same time. Similarly we get real […]

Starling Glasto Starmap

Starling Glasto Starmap, a heavyweight woven wrap, has been woven on our combed cotton, teal green,  Glasto warp and uses a natural linen weft. This is the same fibre combination as our Facebook Group exclusive, Starling Glasto Murmuration.   From the bag, the first thing that you will notice is that it smells of hay! This […]

Firespiral Blanket Competition Winners!

We had so many beautiful entries for this competition that whittling it down to just a few was tremendously hard. We have finally managed it, however we must say that not only will we run another one  like this in the future, we will also hold on to all your suggestions from this one and […]

Copper Glasto Harvest

The image of a bare-branched tree is something that has always resonated strongly with me (you’d only need to take a quick look at my art collection to come to that conclusion yourself!). I love the metamorphosis that autumn brings, the once verdant leaves turning red and copper and gold, dropping to the ground and […]

The Birth of Charters Moss: Design History

The Birth of Charters Moss: Design History

There is a visual lexicon to every geographical area, and around where I live it is the moorland grass tufts, crisscrossed with glittering peaty brown ribbons of water cutting their path down the hillsides. Ochre grass, red shale, evergreen forest plantations filled with deer and pheasants. Our newest design is called Charters Moss, named after […]

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