The traditional sling pass back carry is quick, very adjustable, and so comfortable. I am a huge fan of it with a nearly 3-year old that INSISTS on walking on the school run but only at her own pace, so often needs to be hurriedly carried to avoid us being late!! The traditional sling […]
This is a form of Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) that you can do with a short wrap. FWCC usually requires your base size, whereas you can use a base-3 length wrap for this.
Thanks to Dan Nisbet for sharing his experiences of being new to babywearing and using short wraps. “I remember the turning point at which I jumped to ‘full-time babywearing’. We had been carrying our first child, George, from being a newborn and I’d been doing carries with stretchies and longer sized wovens when we’d go […]
MIXED PASS The mixed pass was the first back carry I ever used with a short wrap. It is so often overlooked though! The mixed pass is a double shoulder carry which provides a lot of support. It has one pass which goes UNDER baby’s leg which is very handy if you struggle to stop your […]
SEMI DOUBLE HAMMOCK OR BACK REINFORCED TORSO SLING CARRY The Semi Double Hammock or Back Reinforced Torso Sling Carry may not have the pithiest of names but it is one of my all time favourite carries! It is a variation on a Double Hammock with Traditional Sling Pass which means rather than being 2 shouldered […]
COOLEST HIP CROSS CARRY The coolest hip cross carry has 2 passes which provide good support for carrying a bigger baby and/or don’t find a single pass carry (like the traditional sling pass carry) comfortable. You can carry your child on your hip or around onto your front which is fab for tiny babies, a […]
Knotless Ruck or Ruck Tied Under Bum The ruck or rucksack carry is a single pass (one layer of wrap covering the baby) back carry. For a standard ruck the tails of the wrap would be passed around your waist and knotted at the front. You may not have enough length to do this with […]
Here are our easy to follow tutorials for tying a traditional sling pass carry and making a slipknot TRADITIONAL SLING PASS AND SLIPKNOT The Traditional Sling Pass is a versatile option for a short wrap. It needs relatively little length, so you can use as short a wrap as possible ( with a longer wrap […]
Elven Burnish Birch Trees is a beautiful blend of 87% combed cotton, 8% linen and 5% merino using our new Burnish warp and weighing around 275gsm. Both wraps and scarves will be available in our shop from 25th February 2017. We sent a wrap on holiday to America where it has visited several familes, you can […]
Released on 25th February 2017, Torra Burnish Winter Hill is a 90% combed cotton and 10% linen wrap. Beautifully soft and supportive, it is an Alchemy weave and weighs around 270gsm. Erin of Her Wrap Materials has written a great review which you can read here.