Winter Wovenland 2020: Our 5th Annual Winter Party!

winter wovenland 2020

Every year since 2016 we’ve had a winter-time party with our customers, and this year is no exception, despite the unusual circumstances of pandemic lockdown that many of us find ourselves in!This year’s party will, of course, be held virtually, but there’ll still be plenty of fun! The festivities will be held over the 4th, […]

Pendle Warp: Collection Overview

pendle warp group shot

As with many of our wraps, the inspiration for this warp came from our local landscape. My kids and I were talking about colours on a walk over the moors behind our house. They were intrigued by how all the things in nature appeared black at first glance, but are actually very dark shades of […]

Chalice Pendle Midwinter: Wrap Database

chalice pendle midwinter

Weft Name: ChaliceWarp Name: PendleDesign Name: MidwinterGSM: 325Weave Structure: AlchemyAverage Width: 68cmBlend: Organic Combed Cotton 55% Merino 28% Hemp 17%Related Wraps: Very similar to the Touchstone weft wraps and Crucible Burnish Petrography only this wrap has a slightly higher wool content than them.Wrapping Qualities: Care Requirements: Follow our care instructions for wool wraps. This is […]

Firerock Pendle Starmap: Wrap Database

Firerock Pendle Starmap

Weft Name: FirerockWarp Name: PendleDesign Name: StarmapGSM: 250Weave Structure: AlchemyAverage Width: 68cmBlend: Organic Combed Cotton 60% Italian spun viscose 40%Related Wraps: Vega Obsidian Birch Trees is the same blend and weave structure, but a slightly lighter weight wrap. Astral Pink moon Curves of Pursuit and Astral Blood Moon Curves of Pursuit both share the same […]

Bifrost Geode: Wrap Database

bifrost geode

Weft Name: BifrostWarp Name: PendleDesign Name: GeodeGSM: 330 Weave Structure: SynergyAverage Width: 69cmBlend: 100% Organic Combed Cotton Related Wraps: Bifrost Mercury Starmap Bifrost StarmapWrapping Qualities: Cloth isn’t prone to pulling, passes glide easily over each other. Smooth texture but not silky, thicker feel in hand, dense but good stretch and recoil. Ties with a large knot, […]

Silverdale Pendle Seafoam: Wrap Database

silverdale pendle seafoam

Weft Name: SilverdaleWarp Name: PendleDesign Name: SeafoamGSM: 350 Weave Structure: AlchemyAverage Width: 67cmBlend: Merino 50% Organic Combed Cotton 50%Related Wraps: Greystoke and Calluna wefts are the same wool as SilverdaleWrapping Qualities: Spongy and thick in hand, very supportive, a little bounce, mouldable, makes a large knot. A great wrap for heavier wrappees, and single layer carries.  […]

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