Welcome to our 5th annual Winter Wovenland! Here is everything that you need to know about the weekend!
Our Winter Sale!
We’ve got loads of great deals in our shop this weekend, and the sale will last from Friday 4th December to Sunday 6th December (inclusive).
We’re offering FREE SHIPPING on all UK orders over £100, and all orders over £200 for the rest of the world. The free shipping will automatically appear at checkout for qualifying orders.
we’re also giving away a free wrap scrap square with every order placed over the weekend (no minimum spend). This will appear in your basket automatically at checkout too.
Winter Wovenland Goodies
We usually have some little keepsakes to commemorate each Winter Wovenland, and this year is no different, even though everything is being done virtually. You can order your Winter Wovenland themed goodies from our redbubble shop !

We’ve got lots of opportunities to play fun games and win prizes both here, and on Instagram & Facebook! We’ll be giving away some fab Winter Wovenland goodies an some bigger prizes too, so make sure that you enter everything that you can!
Read on below for all the details…

Prize Draw Quiz
We’ve created a babywearing personality quiz for you to take, to find out which of us you are most like- Tamsin or Jen?! The team with the most members at the end of the weekend will all be entered into a random draw for the big prize! Don’t worry, we’ll have a consolation prize to give out to a member of the other team too…
Click on the button to start. Once you’ve taken the quiz come back here and fill in your result in the form below.
All done? Now fill in the form to enter. Don’t forget to click ‘submit’ when you are done. We don’t share your details with 3rd parties and will only use your email to contact you if you win.
Instagram Game
Find us on Instagram to join in our #BabywearingDisco game and be in with the chance of winning a prize!
Facebook Group Games
We’ve 3 different photo competitions running in our Facebook Firespiral Community and Marketplace Group. If you aren’t already a member then request to join for your chance to get involved in the festivities!

New Wrapper Giveaway
Do you have a friend who needs their first woven wrap? Or do you for that matter?! In this Facebook page giveaway we’ll provide one new wrapper with their first ever wrap. They can choose from a size 6 Runnelstone Twilight Seafoam or Blossoms Twilight Tourbillon. We’ll be drawing names out of a hat on Monday and notifying the winner via our facebook page.

And more…
We’ll be trying to go live on Facebook (family life permitting) throughout the weekend with interesting announcements and useful information throughout the weekend.
we hope you have as much fun as we do!
If you want to chat to us over the weekend you can contact us via our Facebook messages, by emailing contact@firespiralslings.co.uk or chatting directly in the Facebook group.
xx Jen and Tam