Tag Archives: starmap

Firerock Pendle Starmap: Wrap Database

Firerock Pendle Starmap

Weft Name: FirerockWarp Name: PendleDesign Name: StarmapGSM: 250Weave Structure: AlchemyAverage Width: 68cmBlend: Organic Combed Cotton 60% Italian spun viscose 40%Related Wraps: Vega Obsidian Birch Trees is the same blend and weave structure, but a slightly lighter weight wrap. Astral Pink moon Curves of Pursuit and Astral Blood Moon Curves of Pursuit both share the same […]

Bifrost Mercury Starmap: Wrap Database

Bifrost Mercury Starmap: Wrap Database

Weft Name: BifrostWarp Name: MercuryDesign Name: StarmapGSM: 320Weave Structure: SynergyAverage Width: 69cmBlend:  100% combed cottonRelated Wraps: Bifrost Starmap and Bifrost Seafoam are identical in the weave and rainbow face of the cloth, but have a dark blue weft rather than the grey of Bifrost Mercury StarmapWrapping Qualities: Cloth isn’t prone to pulling, passes glide easily over each other. Smooth texture but […]

Golden Twilight Starmap Librarian: Wrap Database

Golden Twilight Starmap Librarian: Wrap Database

Weft Name: GoldenWarp Name: TwilightDesign Name: Starmap LibrarianGSM: 250Weave Structure: AlchemyAverage Width: 69cmBlend: 100% combed cottonRelated Wraps: Gold Obsidian Starmap shares this golden weft, but alternates it with a deeper yellow for a richer goldWrapping Qualities: Incredibly soft and easy to wrap with. Made from 2 ply cotton for strength and cushioning without feeling bulky.Care […]

Bifrost Starmap: Wrap Database


Weft Name: Bifrost Warp Name: Midnight (1st release) Twilight (2nd release) Design Name: Starmap GSM: 320 Weave Structure: Synergy Average Width: 69cm Blend: 100% combed cotton Related Wraps: Has a very similar rainbow weft to  Bifrost Obsidian Charters Moss (although they are not identical). Identical to Bifrost Seafoam and Mercury Bifrost Starmap Wrapping Qualities: Cloth […]

Gold Obsidian Starmap: Wrap Database


Weft Name: Gold Warp Name: Obsidian Design Name: Starmap GSM: 257 gsm Weave Structure: Alchemy Average Width: 70cm Blend: 100% combed cotton Related Wraps:  Solstice Obsidian Starmap  Nebra Octarine Starmap Amber Twilight Starmap Aurora Twilight Starmap and Sherbet Cirrus Starmap are all 100% cotton Alchemy weave Starmaps Wrapping Qualities:  It has good diagonal stretch and […]

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