Wraps come in multiple sizes (from size 1 to size 9+).Your base size is simply the size of wrap you need to tie a front wrap cross carry (fwcc) when carrying one baby.
Weft Name: Galena Warp Name: Callisto Design Name: Seafoam
What does GSM mean?GSM stands for “grams per square metre” (also written as Gr/m²) and tells you much a 1m square piece of any cloth would weigh.
Woven cloth is ‘dynamic’- it can stretch and contract, grow and shrink depending on what is happening to it at the time, whether or not it has been washed or ironed recently (and even how it was washed).Trying to measure something that can change length is pretty tricky! The babywearing community has created a general […]
Weft Name: Calluna Warp Name: Moorland Design Name: Birch Trees (winter birch design variation)
Weft Name: Calluna Warp Name: Callisto Design Name: Birch Trees (winter birch design variation)
Weft Name: Garnet Warp Name: Moorland Design Name: Kaleidoscope
Weft Name: Nocturnal Warp Name: Callisto Design Name: Geode
Weft Name: Diurnal Warp Name: Moorland Design Name: Geode
A video of Jen and Tamsin trying their best to answer your questions, despite some technical mishaps! We loved doing this and will be asking people to submit their questions (no matter how random) in our Facebook Chatter group, called Firespiral Community and Marketplace,