Tag Archives: kaleidoscope

Garnet Callisto Kaleidoscope: Wrap Database

Garnet Callisto Kaleidoscope: Wrap Database

Weft Name: Garnet Warp Name: Callisto Design Name: Kaleidoscope GSM: 276 Weave Structure: Alchemy weave Average Width: 69cm Blend: 72% cotton 16% hemp 12% viscose  Related Wraps: Garnet Moorland Kaleidoscope is identical in all but the warp colour. Asphodel Cirrus Seafoam and Asphodel Cirrus Tentacular Spectacular have similar wrapping qualities but a slightly lower gsm Wrapping […]

Solstice Obsidian – sister wraps!

Solstice Obsidian - sister wraps!

The summer solstice is the point at which the hours of daylight stop getting longer and start to shorten, it’s the high point of summer and is the longest day of the year. The winter solstice is the opposite and is the shortest day of the year. The act of celebration at Solstice is truly […]

Heath Glasto Kaleidoscope

Brown can often be relegated to the ‘autumn’ box of colours, but actually it can be incredibly summery. We’ve gone for a cool shade reminiscent of  the dry bare earth underneath tree canopies and the dancing heads of ribwort flowers under hawthorn hedges. It helps to bring out the blue tones in the glasto warp. […]

Gorse Glasto Kaleidoscope

There is something about this wrap that makes me want to prance about in the fields by our house. I imagine that blue tits would braid my hair as I skipped in the sunlight. This elven fantasy may be in part fuelled by our current bedtime reading of Enid Blyton’s classic “The Enchanted Wood”, but I imagine […]

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