It is a very cold and crisp day here, but the sunshine is bright so we thought we’d get some pictures of our new cashmere blend Pale Gold Twilight Gossamer wraps. This is the same cashmere cotton blend yarn as the verdigris and lime so these wraps work out around 10% cashmere and […]
We have been reviewing the failed payment attempts from previous releases with the help of the nice lady from Worldpay. It seems that in the majority of instances, order attempts are failing at the 3D secure stage of payment and so never getting through to worldpay for them to process. What is 3D Secure? 3D […]
The release date for the Pomegranate Twilight Fractal Spiral wraps will be Wednesday 6th November. We are aiming for around 4pm (after the school pick up but before tea time )! These wraps are 100% combed cotton and the magenta weft changes the twilight warp quite dramatically, picking up its rich, purple undertones.
We’ll be listing the Amber Twilight Starmap wraps at 11:30 am UK time tomorrow (Thursday 24th October). These wraps are 100% combed cotton
We thought it would be useful for us to give you the weaving order for each of the designs/wefts so that you get a sense of what is coming up, even if we can’t give you exact dates or quantities at this stage. We will always give prior warning before we list any design for […]
We popped by the mill on Friday to chat about something new that we are working on, and took the opportunity to take some quick pictures of our Birch Trees design on the loom! It is hard to describe how exciting it is to see our designs in the process of being woven- it somehow […]
With the amber starmap wraps nearly ready to make their way into our shop, cutting has started on our next design. This is the fractal spiral that we used for our first ever testers last year. It reminds us of swirly heads of romanesco cauliflower (how glamorous we are)! We knocked this design up […]
The first of the designs on the new twilight warp has been woven, and Amber Twilght Starmap is off the loom! We will soon be able to open the pre-booking system that will allow around half of the total number of wraps to be pre purchased. This system should help us both because it allows […]