The short cross carry uses a mid-length wrap. There are different ways to fasten the carry- knotlessly as shown in the video or with a sling ring.
- Pre-tied before you pick baby up to put them in the wrap
- Poppable- you can take baby in and out of the wrap without completely untying it
- Not suitable for newborns as it only has two cross passes over baby
- No waistband- great if you don’t like having cloth tied round your middle!
- Quite flexible in terms of the length of wrap needed. Options for fastening using a sling ring instead.
Your Opinions On The Short Cross Carry
We asked babywearers in our group for their honest opinions on the short cross carry!
This is our second attempt at this carry. It’s a bit slacky at the moment but definitely has potential. I used a size 7 wrap. Tails didn’t touch the floor but were long. I could have brought the tails around the front to tie if I had thought about it!Jen

I used rings and a base – 2 wrap. I like it a lot but find it difficult to tighten evenly through the ring. Suspect I need more practice. But even like this, it was very workable for the walk home.
I like that it’s really easy to put baby in and out of this carry, but we don’t use it very often because it’s not very lean-proof. This was with a size 3, a ring, and an 18m old.

I have never been able to master this carry! I find it so hard to tighten, it’s super leany and I find all the weight just moves to the front.

Hibiscus the sloth wears a 6 (base -3)!