Indigo Cyano Curves, Peridot Cyano Curves, Spindrift Cyano Tourbillon: all in stock soon!

We have lots of new stock to release into the shop over the coming months- a real mix of colours, fibres and designs, catering for all tastes. We’re hoping to build an exciting array of choice for visitors to our webshop. To help us all plan ahead a little better we are trying out a website event calendar to show when each design will be available from, and we will use these updates and fortnightly newsletters to share pictures of and information about all the upcoming wraps.  This update is a bit on the last minute, but we hope that we should be able to build in a bit more prior notice for future stockings.


So, being released on Friday 1st August at 9pm BST are both  Indigo and Peridot Cyano Curves of Pursuit.

With the same weft as the recent Indigo Cyano Seafoam, the Indigo Curves is 50% linen, and a slightly heavier weight than some of our previous linens. The warp and weft colours subtly blend together, exploring the spectrum of blues from the greenest turquoise right through to the purple tinge of the indigo. indigo curves



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The peridot is 100% combed cotton and a citrus fresh mix of colours, blended together by subtle geometric pattern. This wrap is around 240gsm.

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Available from Wednesday 6th August 9pm BST is the Spindrift Cyano Tourbillon.

This design is a smaller variant of our vortex pattern- a pretty yet mathematically created design that explores the universality of form, from the mundane to the astronomic! The spindrift weft is white hemp with a beautifully tactile slub in it. This is a fantastic yarn (see our earlier weft yarn  update for some interesting facts about the natural properties of hemp). It’s crisp whiteness allows the jewel tones of the tri-coloured warp to really stand out. We’ll get some more action shots for you to see how well this wraps, but for now here is a picture of Jen being hit in the face with a small wooden wand (an occupational hazard to be expected when front carrying an excitable 3yr old)!! For your interest, the wand was made by the wonderful Judith of  Hog Mama Makes. 

spindrift tourbillon

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