Firespiral Wraps Database
Amethyst Cyano Tourbillon
Both Tamsin and I started using slings over 5 ½ years ago, but prior to 2011 and our introduction to the Natural Mamas forum, we had no real concept of the term ‘babywearer’- slings just made sense to us as a practical means keeping our children close and happy and owning more than a couple never crossed our minds!
Our first babies were born within days of each other, and we only had local, mainstream parenting groups to provide us with support. It soon became clear that our natural parenting styles were very much left of mainstream, and we gravitated towards each other and other like-minded parents, so that by the time we had our second babies (weeks apart from each other) we were surrounded by a very different group of families, many of whom breastfed, co-slept and wore their babies.
It was at this point that we discovered Natural Mamas and had a whole new world opened up to us! It was wonderful to go to a place online where there were so many different and equally valid methods of parenting being discussed, to be able to talk about how we did things without fear of judgement or scorn. For possibly the first time we were actually part of the norm…
The most exciting aspect of our natural mamas ‘awakening’ was the world of babywearing. We discovered that whilst yes, carriers were practical and essential to our style of parenting, they could also be something stylish, expressive and beautiful. We spent hours devouring this newfound information on the forum whilst sitting nursing at the computer, we researched and mastered new carries with the enthusiasm of a cub scout learning his first few knots! We both loved the sense of belonging that came from gaining this new knowledge and understanding the secret coded language of terms and abbreviations.
We felt that we ourselves had something of value to contribute to the world of wraps, and this spurred us on to create Firespiral. We are very excited to be attending Big Camp this year, and it is thrilling to be able to offer up our own wraps there as well as participate in the community carnival atmosphere.
This is the 4th year that the camp has been held, and I was lucky enough to attend and enjoy last year’s offering too. Some of the families we met there have become firm friends over the past year and it is hard to describe the sense of relaxation that we experienced during that weekend. We felt it would be fitting to release one of our new designs at camp in advance of it being available for general sale on our website and a way of demonstrating how important a role Natural Mamas played in the inception of our business and also in supporting our parenting.
Amethyst Cyano Tourbillon is a 100% combed cotton wrap- a medium weight of around 245gsm. The tourbillon design is related to the larger scale vortex design but is a smaller, more delicately patterned version. It combines the vibrant cyano warp with the calm amethyst purple weft, creating a bright yet flattering palette of colour.
These wraps will be available to see, try out first hand and purchase at Natural Mamas Big Camp, and then listed on our website from Mon 28th July at 9pm (once we’ve folded away the tents and had warm baths 😉 ) We may even be able to get some more action shots from the weekend to show you!