Delph Aqua Charters Moss

This review of Delph Aqua Charters Moss was written for us by Erin, mum of three, babywearing peer supporter and avid wrapper.


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It’s always exciting to be given a brand new wrap to try, and I was particularly pleased to take Delph Aqua Charters Moss home for a play as I have walked several times through the creaking pines of the Charters Moss plantation with my family. My eldest son actually calls the plantation β€˜Our Woods’ as we have yet to meet another person when we walk there, although we did once come face to face with a large Roe deer, quietly munching in the peaceful forest… until we all got there of course!

I love the aqua colour of the cotton in this wrap, it is cool and crisp. The wooly Delph weft is a sophisticated slatey blue, which does evoke the colour of the Delph reservoir (also local to us) when it reflects the Lancastrian sky. As an aside, it also made me think of Eccy (Eccleston) Delph, a flooded quarry which my more adventurous friends liked to jump into on the warmer days of our misspent youth!

Wearing Delph Charters Moss was my first real try of a wool wrap, and I think I am a convert. I love the support and texture that the wool gives, particularly in conjunction with this pattern, which does offer a really nice amount of grip to make a lovely solid wrap job.This is exactly what I need on the school run with a running school starter and a high speed scooting 3 year old; there’s no chance to stop to tighten or adjust! The fact that it made a lovely blanket for my slingee and I when snuggling in the increasingly chilly autumn evenings was also a bonus. I look forward to seeing how this beautiful wrap softens further with use into a marshmallowy soft delight.


30096263296_3f7e2469ed_o-1-min Our 25% merino wraps have cotton fibres blended into the wool weft to help stabilise it and make it less prone to felting. These wraps are machine washable, and you can read more about washing and general care here. You can also read about wash testing using US machines (which can apparently be quite different to what we are used to in Europe). Delph Aqua Charters Moss has 3 different weft threads, a dark slate blue wool, a cotton thread dyed our ‘octarine’ purple and a cloudy cream coloured cotton to create a sophisticated colour palette!



Delph Aqua Charters Moss will be available to buy on our website from 6pm on Sunday 16th October, 2016.


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