How about this for a fun idea? When you are sharing photos of your Firespiral wrap in Facebook groups (or, twitter, Instagram etc), tag them with #ISpyFispi and if we spot your picture, love it and want to share it on our website / postcards / marketing materials then we will give you your money back for that wrap! Bought it second hand rather than direct from us? No problem, we’ll still give you the retail value of the wrap that you own.
We are confident that you will all get into the spirit of the scheme in the manner that we intended it as we already see so many of you actively and enthusiastically sharing your great and quirky images without any incentive. Just to clarify for anyone who might have concerns,
we are not asking you to randomly ‘spam’ facebook groups with high volumes of images– we simply mean for you to carry on as you already do, sharing the carefully selected images that you wanted to enjoy with your fellow babywearers but add the hashtag #ISpyfispi if you wish. This will be an ongoing scheme, so there is no rush, neither should you feel compelled to tag every photo you take that has a bit of firespiral on it somewhere- use your tagging judiciously for maximum effect!
That’s all there is to it, but there are a few practical issues to go through.
- Please don’t send your photographs directly to us at our email or share solely on our Facebook/Fan page, we want everyone to be able to see them not just us, and part of our fun is stumbling upon your lovely shots as we browse the groups & forums!
- We will be looking on Twitter, Instagram and the wide cross section of Facebook groups that we belong to as babywearing mamas oursleves. If there is a wrap chatter group that you love to post on and you think we should know about then email us at contact@firespiralslings.co.uk and we will request to join it. If you write a blog or have a website that you share photos of our wraps on then share a link with us and we’ll go have a nosey at it. We’ll be looking on the babywearing forums too, although we recognise that you can’t tag on those and so will keep our eyes peeled.
- Payment will go to the owner of the wrap. If the photo is of a friend wearing your wrap and you wish to split the money with them then aren’t you lovely and kind?! Similarly if the person who posts the photo is not the wrap owner, or the photographer is not the wrap owner then you can show your gratitude to them however you like, but we can only make payment to the actual owner of the wrap.
- We will be looking for all sorts of photos that feature our wraps- they don’t need to be professional quality or action shots, just pictures of our wraps in everyday situations (whether that be folded on a shelf, being used as a picnic blanket or carrying your little one)
- If you purchased the wrap directly from us then we will only process the funds after the 14 day cooling off period has expired and the contract of sale is finalised.
- You do not need to tag your photo with #ISpyFispi in order to be considered for the scheme, but if you do, that will help us to locate your images
- If we select your image as a winner we will contact you to ask for permission to share your photograph on our website. You are not obliged to agree to this in order to benefit from the promotion and the refunding of the wrap cost does not constitute payment for the photograph or transfer of ownership. Should the wrap owner not be the owner of the photograph then we will need their permission to share the photograph on our website, along with permission from any other persons included in the picture.
- There is no set time limit to the scheme, and we will award prizes as and when we see fit. We reserve the right to end the scheme at any point.